Saturday, 6 September 2014


✯ Hello shiny stars! ✯

You might have noticed that lately we are not often online, we have been late with "The Look of the Week" and we haven't had the time to make other posts, like DIYs. But that all has a reason and we hope, you will  understand that and you stay here on this site as one of our lovely readers.

Back to the reason. If you have read our "Liebster Award" post, maybe you can remember this sentence:
"Sometimes we wish, we could live in London because then we could visit the fashion/blogger events there.".
Well, the first part is correct now. Since a month we live in London which was a very big step forward. It was the first time for us in the UK, we had no friends here, everything and everybody was foreign for us, but already after a week we could find a job and start to work here. But beside an 8-hours-position with 2-2 hours journey, there is not much time left for other things...

I love to write this blog and I really enjoy it, therefore I don't want to quit with it and ask for your patience.
I plan some new things, also a new column, that will launch later, around October. But until then I try my best to be online more often.
With my sister I discussed a lot the blog and we have decided to make it separate in the future. I will write "P&P style" alone and she will concentrate on her own blog, which you can find here.

By the way, have you noticed, that we have exceeded the 100. "The Look of the Week"-post? It's unbelievable, isn't it?

Lots of love,


  1. lovely, i wish you good luck on that!
    and i just followed you in GFC, bloglovin and twitter,
    i hope you return the love :)


  2. Lovely blog! Thanks for your nice comment on my blog, I followed you on GFC! :)


  3. OK sweetie, I agree to follow each other.
    Follow me, let me know and I’ll follow you right back, like I always do ☺

  4. Yes, happy to follow each other, just did, please follow back at
    Aesthetic Lounge

  5. Hola guapa gracias por tu comentario, te sigo y te espero en el mio si te apetece
    susana de piñadelys
